Zach Lyons Part From Lake Trout

Photo By Sam Shuman
Out of all of the cities up and down the east coast, the city of Baltimore really has something particularly special. Not just because they have a lot of rad, bombed out, rugged looking spots that you can skate without the cops batting an eyelash. And not just because their city has been mostly ignored by the greater skate scene which means they have all of the spots to themselves. No, I say this mostly because what I think most makes Baltimore rad is the small, tight-knit skate community they have. Because it's a small city and it's rugged as fuck, very few people are moving in and the scene has remained pretty small for quite some time. But what they DO have is awesome. It's thick with talent, rad personalities and overall good vibes. Skaters like Chris Teta, Zach Dykes, Jason Spivey, Brian Powderly, Sam Shuman and more give the skate scene a pretty heavy dose of respect and credibility because there isn't a negative word you could really say about any one of these dudes. And this tight knit crew started their own little brand to represent their scene and they just released their own full length to represent the brand. That brand is Bohtz Hardware and the video is "Lake Trout".
We at TOA have been down with Zach Lyons for ages, long before he he rode for Magenta and long before TOA even existed. So we were really stoked when the Bohtz guys reached out about hosting Zach's part on our site. Not only was it a no brainer but it's also an honor, because Zach is one of the raddest people on the east coast. And that's no exaggeration. So take a quick break from the Stupor Bowl, maybe skip the Justin Timberlake halftime show and enjoy Zach's part. Thanks to the Bohtz guys and to Bryan and Zach Dykes for sharing this with us.
Filmed by Zach Dykes, edited by Zach Dykes and Bryan Vana and additional filming by Colin Read and Ben Schmidt