
If you didn’t spend this past spring in New York City and you’re wondering what it’s like skating in an anarchist district, we wrote a little piece on the intricacies of spot-hunting during a pandemic. Be forewarned: it involves lots of biking and basketball courts.
Aaron Herrington is the latest in the hot seat over at Mission Statement headquarters. Topics of conversation include the move from San Francisco to NYC, linking up with Theories of Atlantis and Polar, mental health, the origin of Chrystie NYC, and more.
A couple of things that snuck past us last week:
- Waylon Bone threw together a Borough Hall montage from the spot’s infancy, when you could just piss away a Saturday afternoon skating flat and ollieing trash cans. Features James Sayres, John Baragwanath, Jordan Trahan, Aaron Herrington, Lee Smith, and many more.
- FILENOTFOUND is the next Sabotage video, slated to drop before the year’s up. Check out a hefty teaser for the project (featuring a full-ish Salvatore Bevevino part) and keep your eye out for Tyler Dietterich to blow your minds.
If Make Friends With The Colour Blue, Blueprint’s final video offering, somehow snuck past you, or if you’re just in need of a refresher, fear not! Dan Magee remastered the video so the VX is as sharp as can be. This’ll be perfect to get hyped before those cold winter sessions.
I kind of hate the concept of “rough cuts,” but I love watching Niels Bennett skate.
Guess they can still travel freely in Europe… LAMBRUSCO is a Will Miles clip (with a great Duster song) from Milano Centrale featuring Chris Jones, Korahn Gayle, and a marathon Casper Brooker line, among others.
Nizan Kasper just released Therapy, a new full length project out of Germany featuring their local crew, Stanley WE. The video is a rad, very unique project filled with ripping skateboarding, street life and interesting video graphics and design.
Get ready for the next Traffic video by boning up on the brand’s history. Via, the brand’s first full length, dropped in the winter of 2006 and features amazing parts from Mark Wetzel, Ricky Oyola, Pat Stiener, Rich Adler, Henry Panza, and more. Enjoy the video and get ready for Third Shift, coming very soon.