
2020 claims another victim: the Brooklyn Banks, which is being systematically stripped of its signature brick facade as we speak. The final fate of the spot isn’t written in stone yet, but with talk of plans to open shops in the vacant storage space below the Brooklyn Bridge, it’s not looking good. Pour one out.
I slept a little late this morning, which means the roundup wasn’t done by noon, which means I get to include a link to the unnamed Seasons Skateshop video.
Let Chris Jones’ drive and master craftsmanship during this pandemic be an inspiration to us all.
Chris Thiessen has been killing it with the VX1000 footage dumps lately. This week alone, he’s dropped hefty clips from Static alum Yaje Popson and Magenta posterboy Leo Valls.
We’ve been blessed with another fantastic Jameel Douglas part this week, this one from Northern Co’s Helen. Seriously, if you can only watch one part this week, watch this one.
Volunteers is Mikey Bueso’s part Miami, part Baltimore video from 2015 that’s just now finding its way onto the internet. Keep your eyes peeled for some great footage of Jason Spivey, Ross Norman, Jimmy Lannon, and more, as well as big John skating Foundation boards.
Also from Miami: Busted.Mic’s Richie Zuczek remix.
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