
You might recognize Pedro Alvarado as the guest skater from one of Japhey Dow’s parts. Well, going forward, you’ll recognize him as the dude from Bouquet who can switch backside flip over benches. Watch his part and learn a little more about the project on our website.
“I had a knife in my pocket that I was ready to pull out but had an extrasensory perception moment that said, ‘Don’t worry about it and let the bike go.’ I remember thinking to myself after that incident, ‘I’m going to get a skateboard! No one wants a skateboard in the hood.’” Josh interviewed Jahmal Williams about backflips, EE3, and Hopps’ roots, Pep Kim shot the photos, and Solo ran it in their latest issue.
Pep also shot some rad photos of Chrystie’s time in Germany, dating back to when international travel was still a thing.
Solo also started a new feature entitled “Ten Things About,” which is exactly what it sounds like. The first installment is ten things about EE3, none of which should be a surprise to any long-time readers of this fine website.
Lots of great Neil Herrick footage in Steve Mastorelli’s “Talk Nice To Me,” filmed primarily in New Jersey.
Memory Screen remixed enough Josh Kalis footage to make you think Love Park is still a go and puffy DCs are back in style. Wait a minute...
A minute and change of Tom Snape’s smooth style and long ledge lines.