Elkin Raw Tapes: Episode 1
The Raw Tapes feature we started years ago has always been one of our favorite projects to release. Giving a glimpse behind the edited and polished videos we've all seen multiple times tends to help put the experience into more of a digestible context, showing what nightmares had to be endured to get that one single clip or perhaps it didn't take many tries at all? And seeing who else was on the session that day or hearing the commentary from the skater as he battles through the mental chess game that often comes with getting a clip.

Well, up until now, all of the Raw Tapes features have been based around our in house video guy Josh Stewart's archives. So we're excited to announce that we've broken into another videomaker's vaults and we're going to start digging through his miles of DV tapes. Jeremy Elkin has brought you some of your favorite east coast videos over the last decade as well as a lot of your favorite clips in other videos that you probably didn't even realize he filmed. So Jeremy has given us unhindered access to his archive starting back in 2010 as he was working on his amazing NYC videos "Poisonous Products", "The Brodies" and stretching through helping film for a multitude of other projects like Static IV, Polar Skate Co's "I Like It Here Inside My Mind", 5Boro's "Join Or Die", "Outdated", different Bronze edits and more.
The incredible diversity of talent that Jeremy spent his time working with over the last decade is really impressive. These Raw Tapes edits feature names like Hjalte Halberg, Akira Mowatt, Jordan Trahan, Quim Cardona, Daniel Kim, Aaron Herrington, Joseph Delgado, Brian Delatorre, Tony Manfre, Fred Gall, Jason Spivey, Joel Meinholz, Brendan Carroll and a lot more. So let's get things started, shall we? The Elkin Raw Tapes edits will now be a weekly feature every Tuesday night for the next few months, so get ready to start binging.
So let's dive into episode 1, starting things off back in 2010........enjoy!