Evan Dow in "Rather Be Workin"

So by now, Japhey Dow is probably quite a familiar name to the TOA readers, but we'd like to introduce to you his brother, Evan. That's right, did you know he had a brother? Neither did we until filmer/editor Michael Breitmaier reached out to us with this completes full part with ripping skating and a heavy dose of workin-man's vibes. We're super hyped on skateboarders who do their own thing and it's rad to see that Evan has a different style and approach than his brother. We asked Michael Breitmaier to write a little intro for the part so check that out below and then dive into the part...
Backside Lipslide: Photo Kyle Hofsass
If you're familiar with Japhey's skating then you probably won’t be surprised to learn that his brother is talented as well. But you're still in for a treat because their style and trick selection is completely different. My favorite skateboarders to watch are the ones that just do it for the love and are not trying to pursue it, but instead they love to work their full time job.
Ollie: Photo by Kyle Hofsass
Something about that combo gives off a vibe in their parts that I really like and it just feels organic and unforced. Evan's skating certainly has a blue collar vibe to it and the country music helps push that feeling in this video. Also, he might not dress the part, but don't let looks fool you. Enjoy -Michael Breitmaier
Boardslide: Photo Kyle Hofsass
So without further ado, we're stoked to present you with a TOA exclusive, Evan Dow in "Rather Be Workin". Please make sure to leave a comment on the video and let the boys know you appreciated their hard work. Make sure to subscribe to the channel as well so you'll get first notice when we drop similar features like this in the future. Enjoy!
My nephews! Wow! And both are humble, “aw shucks” kind of guys. You can see that strong, fair Dutch dna in both of them. Proud of them and to be their aunt. You go, guys!
I’m friends with the parents, and they are a very nice low-key pair. You never know when that combination is going to create two young men who kill it on the board!
Wow! This is some amazing skating! Have a son who did a little skating and as I watch I’m reminded of the many falls and even the time he tried to teach me! It’s obvious how passionate you are about this and wow! You’re so good at it!
I’m proud of both my boys…and all their hard-working/creative friends who know how to capture the moments and make them shine. Thankyou.