Golden Boy

Chrystie's Chapter 2, in which everyone skates idyllic spots in Barcelona and Gran Canaria, went live early this morning.
Operating out of the D.C. area, Gang International dropped Facades this week and blessed us with a surprise (almost) all-Pulaski, all kickflip-in Bobby Worrest part.
Mike Arnold's Adidas part is a must-watch, full of hippie jumps, switch backside noseblunts, bigspin backside lipslides, and yeah, more water hazards. Free's got a great interview with Mike up, as well.
Karsten, Karsten: a young skateboarder's strange, erotic journey from Oslo to Silver Lake.
JETLAGBROTHERS in Istanbul: because you can never have too much Chewy Cannon.
Bobshirt dug out some World artifacts from the attic to nerd out over with Mark McKee.
Reese Forbes's Nine Club episode led to us revisiting his entire filmography, including this absolute banger from a random Quiksilver promo that slipped through the cracks for most.
Speaking of dudes who skate trash cans from flat, does Tyshawn Jones hold the world record for most tricks done over a standing up trash can?
Trust Fall standout star Caleb Barnett on the Sicario soundtrack, am boards, and avoiding fights in Poland.
We're working on new shit, I promise. Photo of Yaje Popson lifted from @soloskatemag.