ISLE Drifts Up The Pacific
I HAD A BRAINWAVE ONE DAY when Tony Vitello at the mag suggested we make some videos based on the crew around Tom Knox, so I had the idea to do exactly that. A bunch of Mons who skate together and are all interested in being filmed and edited to synthy music, or sometimes other types of music. On a serious note, the skate-deck media gaze is gently turning its way eastwards, across the Atlantic, to also encompass our tiny little wet island. The North Atlantic Current, or Atlantic Drift, is a hugely important oceanic current that travels from the States to warm the shores of the United Kingdom. If not for that we'd be frozen, most likely to death, all the time. I might be a bit sketchy on the details of some of this, but if you Google it you'll probably read something pretty different and way more interesting. READ THE REST ON THRASHER...