Magenta Unveils "Storia Italiana"

The Magenta boys are back with a radical new video introducing a new member to their solid squad. It's been a reeeeaally long time since Magenta added a new rider, and we assume it mostly has to do with how tight and close the squad is. But this new addition is making heads turn because his skills and style are undeniably amazing and add a smooth new element to the Magenta arsenal. Here's what Magenta had to say themselves:
"We first met Ruben about 5 years ago during a trip to his hometown of Milan to meet with the CHEF crew boys. We fell in love with his smooth unique style and personality and decided to offer him a slice of pizza and a glass of prosecco as a tribute of our appreciation. It was the appropriate cultural signal and here we are today, officialy introducing Italy’s finest to the squad."
Now peep this brand new Italian video piece, fresh out of the pizza oven, and featuring the full Magenta squad. Then make sure to head over to Magenta's article about Ruben and their trip.
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