Mark Del Negro's "King's Row" Part & Interview

There are swarms of skaters out there these days who are blatantly skating for the sole purpose of getting hooked up and making a name for themselves. And then there are those few who shred at all times, with or without a camera, and who are happy just enjoying the good times and freedom of being on their board. Delaware's Mark Del Negro fits in the latter category, a quiet shredder who seems to have little interest in the limelight. But don't be mistaken, that definitely doesn't reflect on his skills. In fact, he holds it down hard as one of the more talented shredders in the northeast. And landing on the Hopps Skateboards crew a few years back, he has found a good home where his style and mellow personality found a very fitting home. But being under the radar means that many of you likely have no idea how rad Mark is to watch on the board. So Kinetic Skate Shop and filmer Jake Todd have treated us to an exclusive premiere of Mark's newest part. And it's a doosey. So sit back and get to know Mark a little in this short interview below by Jake Todd. And then enjoy his full part from "King's Row" at the end.
Photo by John Handy
Interview by Jake Todd
What's goodie Mark?
Game 5 Heat vs Sixers.
Last time you got interviewed was about a year ago when you got introduced onto Hopps, how has it been since?
Good, still grinding at work and trying to skate as much as possible.
Ollie, Photo by Tommy Zhao
Let's take it back a bit because I feel like some people might not know the "Mark Del Negro Story.‚" Many know you grew up in Wilmington, Delaware, but you were a young prodigy on Populous (which turned into Popwar), how did getting into that mix come about?
A phone call from my friend Dave Smith. He was the TM for Sixteen and left to go to New Deal afterward. We kept in touch, and one evening I remember my Mom handing me the phone and it was him. 7 Year Glitch had just dropped, so I was tripping out on how good it was then he told me New Deal was ending. It was pretty weird hearing that considering the video just came out, but then he said Cairo Foster was going to start a new board brand over at Giant, and some of the guys were going to ride for it. Asked me to send footage and next thing you know I come home from school to a box. Very thankful for those times.
I speak for many when I say you have a very refined style, who were some of your early influences?
Jr Neves (RIP), Pete Eldridge, Paoletti brothers, and Willy Akers.

You might hate me for saying this but you kind of took a small hiatus from skating in the mid 2000s, well maybe not a hiatus but you were just off the radar for a moment, what sparked you to get back into the motions?
Girl/Chocolate videos and the Heads.
How did getting Hopps boards come about?
Rob Williams, he was the rep for Hopps/Pusher when I was working at the skate shop. Went to LA for a month or so to skate and film, my friend sent the footage and it so happened he stopped in the day I received a link. We watched it then he asked if he could show Jahmal. From there I kept sending footage and here we are. Thanks again Rob.
You've been quite the world traveler recently, Paris, Copenhagen, China, LA, what's been you're favorite cities to skate/visit and why?
Favorite city to visit would be Paris. It's a beautiful place and fun to skate. Duck and potatoes are the best.
Ollie, Photo by Mali Mase
Any good stories from any of those trips?
I watched Lucas switch flip back tail Le Dome… I don't remember much after that.
Now let's get into King's Row, how do you feel about shop videos these days? Side note, it's funny people still come up to me, and probably you, and fan out on your Silk part.
Growing up Fairman's 3 was one of my first videos, and to this day it's embedded into my brain. It's good for the youth and keeps the local community hyped, so I fully back it.
How the hell did you manage to film a two song part?
Having fun with my friends and feeding off of them.
I love how you're on a steady regimen of putting out a part a year. What keeps you motivated?
Quim Cardona Quartersnacks Re-Edit
Cruising the city, Photo Kris Arnold
Looking back what are your favorite memories from filming this video?
Skating downtown Wilmington. It doesn't offer much, but seeing that we made it work in the end is awesome.
2K18, I don't think there's anything stopping you (bias opinion) but what's up next for Mark Del Negro?
We'll see. Keep skating, drink more water, and do more stretches.
King's Row dvd, available here on the TOA web store....
Now, enjoy Mark's full part below