Orange Peel

After everyone spent the weekend mourning, the Keith Hufnagel tributes came rolling in this week.
- Free and Memory Screen released a previously unseen Huf mixtape they’d been sitting on since the beginning of the year;
- Quartersnacks has some choice words on the power of nuance and “simplicity”;
- Village Psychic spoke on the personal impact Huf’s skating had on their point of view.
The Magenta team spent the past summer cruising through Paris without a care in the world. If we could be so lucky as to age as gracefully as Vivien Feil...
Kai Hillebrand takes to those rough Berlin spots with ease in his first part for Chrystie NYC.
Shoebox 2 is a new video out of Baltimore just the way we like it: crusty spots, VX footage, good tunes, and lots of friends involved.
Dom Henry, our USOTY2019 runner up, hasn’t missed a step since receiving this prestigious award. He just dropped a Venture minute full of all the ledge lines and switch mastery you’d expect of him.
Tokyo’s Kenta Okamoto paints his hometown as a dreamworld in PALE, a twelve minute VX2000 video. Keep your eye out for some great Hiroki footage and get ready for the Traffic video…