RAW TAPES: Israel 2006 Episode 4
That's right, kiddies, the newest episode of "Raw Tapes" is ready to go here and just in time to get you hyped for some weekend shredding. This week's episode showcases a short trip we did to Isreal in the summer of 2006 while filming for Static III. Our friend and skate photographer Frankie Brodsky rented an apartment in Tel Aviv for a month and had different skaters fly out to skate and shoot with him. So Nate Broussard and I started off our summer European filming vacation by first flying into Tel Aviv and spending 8 days skating all around the country. Stoked that Kenny Hughes was also stayin with Frankie at the same time and we ended up hitting the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa, skating with a lot of rad locals including two featured in the edit Misha Crecker and Avi Luzia. Again, it's unbelievable how much footage Nate collected during this short trip and there's even several clips that never got used. So check it out and enjoy: