Roll Call

There is really no excuse for not watching Mark Del Negro’s latest part in Untitled 006. It’s been almost a week at this point.
Widdip’s Riding a Horse Naked is half full-length, half teaser for the real full length, but worth your while nonetheless. Features new footage from Noah Chee-How, a glimpse of Shane Farber, Garrett Haschke’s second ender part in a single week, and more.
Matlok Bennett-Jones’ pro part is some of the most fun skating we’ve watched in recent memory. Crazy ledge lines? Unhinged wallie transfers? London crust? It’s all there, and more.
Drake Johnson (not Jones) stars in See You Later, gapping over seventeen foot grates and going fakie over the Columbus Park rail.
Neema Joorabchi’s limp has Jasper Stieve’s fourth part this year. Maybe he can squeeze out a fifth in the weeks before 2023?
For every New York City or Los Angeles, there are a dozen small-town skate scenes that fly under the radar. Making It Work shines a light on the State College scene. Would love to see more of these about different cities in the future.
Pedro Alvarado’s short-but-sweet part from Michael Breitmaier’s memoir.