Hippy Jumps and Area Codes
In case the Theories roundups are somehow your only news source in skateboarding (in which case, I'm flattered), you'll be pleased to hear we were blessed with a 917 video and a new episode of Atlantic Drift this week. If Max Palmer and Mike Arnold aren't two of your favorite skaters by now, you may want to reevaluate your standards.
Hippy jumps and chef pants: the wave of the future.

Speaking of pants selection, Bust Crew came through with twelve minutes of mostly unseen Gilbert Crockett footage from his part in Gospel. Is it too early to start getting excited for the Quasi video?
I've been slammed this week, so here's a bunch of stuff that dropped that I haven't watched, but other people seem to have enjoyed:
- The Tim O'Connor Show is back with Mark Suciu.
- Herman Stene filmed a part and did an interview for Free Skate Mag.
- Jarne Verbruggen is pro.
William Strobeck's "Childhood", featuring a plethora of footage from the golden age of Alien Workshop and Habitat, dropped late on a Friday, so you may have missed it. Watch it again.
Adidas recently collaborated with our friends over at Magenta to release a special capsule, featuring a specialized Matchcourt RX, a European football jacket, a football jersey, and a tee designed by none other than Soy Panday himself. With a capsule comes a commercial, so watch Soy, Vivien Feil, and some of our other friends cruise the streets of Paris.
Look Left, Traffic Skateboard's first full-length video offering since 2009's Tokyo Transfer, is selling out of shops now! To celebrate, let's revisit video offerings of Traffic's past.
I'm writing this on a Thursday morning, so hopefully nothing cool comes out between now and tomorrow and makes this roundup null and void.
-Andrew Murrell