TOA Escapes to LA
Over a 3 week span TOA skaters from NYC, SF, Toronto and even France gathered together on the shores of Los Angeles to cruise the streets and capture footage for a new little video project. Giving us all an excuse to escape the shit storm of the NYC winter and me an excuse to get out of my cursed office chair, we converged in LA and launched a 3 week long filming expedition with Brendan Carroll, Ben Gore, Dustin Eggeling, John Baragwanath, Taylor Nawrocki, Leo Valls, Paul Shier, Joe Yates, Bryce Mandell and a gaggle of other shredders and friends.

The result was a surprising cache of over 15 minutes of footage and 6 full reels of 16mm film. Which, once all condensed and chopped down, amounted to an overwhelming 13 minute video piece. What we originally intended to be a short web edit we decided to make into a full dvd project. And in a collaboration with our friends at Jenkem Mag, we trimmed the 13 minutes down to a more reasonable 9 minute piece that just went live this afternoon and can be viewed below. The full 13 minute dvd will be released next week along with the new issue of the TOA Times.
Enjoy and thanks to everyone who contributed to this project and helped make it all possible.
-Josh Stewart