
Trust Fall, the new Nike video edited by Jacob Harris, has surely popped into your YouTube recommendations by now. The video's eclectic lineup includes Casper Brooker, Kyron Davis, and a fair chunk of the Johnny Wilson crew, so it's worth a watch if you haven't done so yet.
The New York Times profiled Alexis Sablone, in case you haven't learned all there is to know about her yet.
Two videos to help you pass the time on a hungover Friday morning: Ultra, a video out of Minneapolis featuring a full Pat Gallaher part, and MINT, a bro-cam video out of Detroit with both locals and touring pros.
Sad transmission from London this week: after enduring two decades of constant sessions, Fairfields has finally bit the dust. We'll always have Nick Jensen's switch flip back tail…
On a tangentially-related note, Atlantic Drift sensation Mike Arnold has a part dropping for Adidas soon. If you're in London this Saturday, swing by Brixton for a sneak peek.
Yoan Taillandier blessed us with two minutes of Oscar Candon and Karl Salah skating idyllic Parisian spots.
Some offshoots and b-sides from your favorite conspiracy theorists.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm usually the last person to stick up for Tompkins, but spaces like this are so important for both skateboarding and the East Village community as a whole. Sign the petition to protest the city's decision to lay astroturf over the entire space and ruin the spot.
Ending things on a high note: Hopps finally gave Dustin Eggeling the pro nod. Congrats, Dustin!