Warning Volatile Post! Theories Design Contest Winner Announced!

Well, before you scroll down and have all your hopes and dreams shattered like the Kool-Aid man smashing through your living room wall, we want to let you know how we came to this final conclusion. I'd love to say that we used a super scientific method with charts, graphs and computer models to narrow down the exact and final answer to what constituted the "best" design. But, there are no scientists here and there is no "best".....(I mean, Mike and Pat wear glasses but that doesn't necessarily qualify as a scientist). Another thing to consider is the debate between what we liked most as an actual work of art, but then trying to balance that out with what would work well on a t-shirt and what someone might actually want to wear. So we counted up all of the votes and comments and made a list of the top 5 choices that you the readers picked. Then we passed the list around the office and to our TOA friends and family and asked everyone to pick their favorite out of that top 5. Here are the top 5 below:
After counting up the votes/comments, the top 5 choices were @DIEJOB, @SKATEFUCKS, @MSPIZZ @WHATSISSHIT and @CORPORATEGUEST. All great designs and collectively a really eclectic mix of concepts, styles, hand-drawn and digital creations. And to be honest, we all felt like any of these could make it onto a Theories shirt and we'd be super happy with it. We like so many of them that we plan on reaching out to some of you directly to work out bringing your artwork to a Theories tee in the near future as well. But a winner had to be chosen. So when we pulled all of the top picks together from the TOA team, friends and family the top man standing was.................................................@MSPIZZ!!!!
That's right, Chicago will burn tonight. Call the riot police and move your car out of the downtown area because it's bound to get flipped and burned as the @MSPIZZ crew celebrates and gets wild in the streets!

Thanks again to all of the participants and like I mentioned above, please pay attention to your DM's because we may reach out to a few of you runner's up about working with your design for a future Theories collection. You guys crushed it and it's such a bummer to only have to pick one. But we got to see some awesome work and we've made a lot of rad new connections so thanks again for taking part.
@MSPIZZ, we'll reach out to you shortly!
-TOA Team