Still coming at you with these awesome Raw Tapes features from Jeremy Elkin's archive. This new episode features some heavy Aaron Herrington fire from his Static IV part as well as some strong Leo Gutman gems from his part in The Brodies. Click ahead and enjoy.
We realized recently that Dustin Eggeling's part from Static IV never made it onto the interweb. So to keep you entertained this evening while curled up on the couch tonight tackling a pint of Chunky Monkey, we went ahead and added it to our Youtube Channel.
Super stoked to be able to bring you the ripping short part from Traffic Skateboards shredder out of Washington DC, George Hanuschak's new part from the Stop Fakin 3 dvd by Andy Pribulka.
That's right, baby, we're launching a new contest on TOA! A design contest to create the perfect Theories graphic tee. Are you up to the challenge? Have you got what it takes? Can you make a better Theories graphic than we can? If so, click ahead for the details and start sharpening your pencils and crayons......
New content from the Blobys, new parts from Stop Fakin' 3, a new video from John Valenti, and upcoming releases from Threads, inside...
We're back for Raw Tapes Tuesdays, with a hefty helping of raw NY street footy from Jeremy Elkins archive. This week's episode features a solid offering of rad clips from an amazing line-up including Ryan Lay, Aaron Spivey, Danny Falla, Leo Gutman, Aaron Herrington, Daniel Kim, Jimmy Macdonald and German Nieves.
We're stoked to be able to bring you a sneak peak at the Bohtz Hardware video "Lake Trout" and more importantly, the FULL part of long time homey and Magenta Skateboards pro, Zach Lyons. Click ahead and check it out and read more.
It's too windy to go outside today, so why not waste the afternoon with videos from Finland, Japan, Texas, and more?
One of the most celebrated parts from the new Traffic Skateboards video "Look Left" JUST went live today on the Thrasher Mag site. But it will only be up for 48 hours so you better hop over to check it out and get stoked while you can.
TOA master mind, Josh Stewart, is in the club. The Nine Club that is. Check out Josh's episode now but maybe pack a lunch and a charger for your phone cuz it's a doosey!
We're celebrating the tenth anniversary of Joe Perrin's 2008 cult classic, Last of the Mohicans, by diving into the video's roots and looking at the impact James Frankhouse, Josh Dowd, Dave Caddo, and co left on the New York City skate scene.
We've rounded up plenty of great content from all types of scenes, skaters, and terrains for you to indulge in before the rain this weekend!
That's right, it's already Tuesday again! And you know that means RawTapesTuesdays are back with that NYC fire. Today's episode focuses on the spring of 2012 when, apparently, Aaron Herrington filmed nearly an entire video part. Add in some clips of Fred Gall, Jason Spivey, Daniel Kim, Joseph Delgado and a lot more, you're gonna be hyped up to get out and skate in this rain......click ahead and enjoy.
We saved the best (and most elusive) cast member for last! Houston's own Nate Broussard brought the curtains down in Static III, and his part remains a fan favorite to this day -- a feat made even more notable when you learn he filmed his part in hardly two month's time.
Temperatures are climbing this weekend, watch some awesome skateboarding from around the world before hitting the streets!
Elkin Raw Tapes is back to hype up your Tuesday with some grimey, filthy raw street clips. Ok, actually it's Wednesday, we slipped but who's counting. This episode is too fiery for you to worry about the details. So click ahead and get hyped on a snowy Weds evening. Elkin Raw Tapes Episode 7.
In the penultimate installment of "Ten Years of Static III," learn which cast member spurred Josh Stewart to start working on the video before digging into a new part from Static III alum Mark Wetzel.
It was a great year for full lengths and we had a hard time narrowing down our list. But here it is, our favorite videos of 2017... enjoy, hate, or whatever you'd like and please let us know in the comments below!
Quality over quantity this week. C'mon in for Atlantic Drifters, vintage Love Park, World Industries talk, and a classic East Coast part.
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