
Traffic's 2006 magnum opus, Via, is now available in high quality on your favorite video streaming site. From the size of the brand to spot selection to length to a lack of titles, Traffic was wildly ahead of their time, and the video absolutely worth checking out if you haven't seen it yet, or revisiting if you haven't done so already.
Some great Tom Knox footage in "Adriatic Axis,‚" New Balance's latest tour clip.
Jenkem asked some great questions regarding the survival of your local shop, but I think we should direct those questions to industry leaders, as well.
Starting a petition to make Brad Cromer film landscape from this point forward.
It wouldn't be a WKND production without a skit. Peep The Tru Mon Show, and in case you can't stand Leonard Cohen, check out seventeen minutes of Sir Palmer rough cuts.
A couple of premieres coming up:
The Vans Canada video, Courtesy (of course its called Courtesy), premieres tomorrow, December 15th, in Montreal.
Pete Spooner's Skating is Easy premieres next Friday, December 21st in Minneapolis.
Somehow, 23 totally slipped past us until Village Psychic interviewed Tim Savage about his spot-hunting methods.
Antonio Durao is one of those "it must be fun to be that good‚" guys.
"Uphill‚" is another great one-off from Grey Skate Mag, featuring a grip of Cons dudes in Seoul.
At least it's not snowing this weekend?