Drunken Stupor

So… who's gonna be the first to go check on the Con Ed banks? Are they haunted now, or just radioactive?
Nick Matlin celebrated his fortieth birthday by dropping a full part. I, on the other hand, haven't filmed a single clip in 2018.
Chops continues the methodical cataloging of the history of Alien Workshop with #124: Thomas Morgan.
Our dude Aaron Herrington killed it in "Calango,‚" a Cons trip through Brazil. A bunch of footage from a tropical environment is exactly what you want to see on a dreary December morning.
Weather-wise, the Nike SB UK 58 tour might be a little more relatable. Features some Atlantic Drifters + Eniz Fazliov, Hugo Boserup, and more.
Festivus is something of an off-shoots video from the San Jose area, featuring a grip of random heads as well as a Silas/Dennis Busenitz shared part.
Bust Crew has been hinting at a new video called Nightmare Van for a minute now, which is as good of an excuse as any to plug this Jon Rowe part.
It's a little out of our wheelhouse, but given that he's your favorite skater's favorite skater (and it's a slow week), we found it appropriate to post Tiago's shared part in Duets, the latest TWS video.
Wallies Against Walls is an initiative to raise awareness for victims of closed borders and immigration issues. Learn more about the project and check out a short introduction clip.