10 Years of Magenta! The Manolo Tapes

It might be hard to believe, but this summer marks the 10 year anniversary of the launch of Magenta Skateboards out of France. At the time, it seemed like a crazy thing to do when Soy Panday and Vivien Feil told us of their plans to drop their current sponsors and start their own board brand. But now, a full decade later, we can't really imagine modern skateboarding and where it has ended up without Magenta and it's influence in helping to push things into the direction they ended up heading. No matter what any brand that has started up over the last 10 years might say, they were inspired by what Magenta did themselves and their influence has been not only global but also powerful.
Manolo Tapes has recognized the inspiration of Magenta and honored their anniversary with a very rad compilation cataloging some of their favorite moments from all of Magenta's video offerings over the last 10 years. It's an unbelievable stroll down memory lane and hard to believe, not only that the brand is 10 years old already, but also that they have put out so much rad content in that time. Click below and enjoy.