Go For Broke

Enjoy a minute and change of footage from wallie connoisseur and one of the more overlooked members of the WKND team, Taylor Caruso.
One Bos bro speaks about filming the other Bos bro.
"You'd see dudes shooting heroin, so many fights, people getting robbed… Nobody really fucks with us too much though because we're there every single day and it's not really like we have anything that would be of value to the dudes causing trouble.‚" Italian sensation Jacopo Carozzi on the Milan train station, Yoan Taillandier, the Olympics, and more.
It seems like PASS~PORT guys have no shortage of curb spots to waste an afternoon at. Fitzy Plaza is the subject of this week's spot-centric montage.
On a similar note, Brian Delaney's new Quartersnacks part is not quite Eggs-centric, but certainly Eggs-heavy.
Antonio Durao is (finally) pro.
In addition to hosting Grady Moquin & Josh Manoles' shared part from Skating Is Easy, LIVE got Pete Spooner to admit that skateboarding is, in fact, not easy.
In Search of the Miraculous alum Danijel Stankovic is still killing it, almost a decade later. Peep his Neverwhere part for proof.
Some sad news out of San Francisco this week with the passing of Pablo "P-Spliff‚" Ramirez, who, by all accounts, was a loving friend and the fastest skateboarder you could imagine. Go bomb a hill and tell your friends you love them this weekend.
Homepage photo of Jahmal Williams lifted from @koolmoeleo