
St. Louis’s Sam Corkery just dropped Death Waiver, a full length full of crusty spots and rustic appeal. Highlights include a full part from Comb standout Max Wheeler, who added a splash of color to his wardrobe in the three years since.
Farran Golding’s delightfully nerdy interview with Jonathan Mehring about shooting with Jake Johnson on the eve of his “official” debut came out last Friday, but it’s so good we’re including it anyways.
Kento Yoshioka’s part in the Evisen video: fast editing, faster footwork.
Everyone’s new favorite skater (Carl Aikens) spends the day at everyone’s least favorite spot (Blue Park).
Always a treat to watch Dave Abair cruise through some classic San Francisco spots.
Jenkem Mag signed onto Jerry Duty at a resurrected Harlem spot. Thank Jerry for his service next time you see him out.