Hide & Seek
If you haven't watched (and rewatched) Push Periodical's 'Partial World Tour II: Antwerpen to Lisboa', featuring a grip of unseen spots and great footage from Bobby Worrest, Kevin Coakley, Ryan Barlow, John Baragwanath, and Roger Krebs, there's no better time than the present. After you're done with that, stick around for our interview with the ever-elusive Zach Chamberlin.
Another clip you should have already watched: 'Salam', Magenta's trip through Dubai.
Jan Henrik Kongstein's new part for Free Skate Mag is chock full of hairball maneuvers that we're not even sure have proper names yet. If you're feeling particularly scholarly today, dive into the follow-up interview on Free's website.
Hotel Blue dropped a new promo this week entitled 'Exhaust'. Are these dudes based out of New York City or Canada? Honestly can't tell.

Catch up with Polar pro Aaron Herrington over at Skateboard Story.
Remember 'BRAAAAD', the visual documentation of Remy Taveira, Phil Zwijsen, Oscar Candon, Sam Partaix, and Michael Mackrodt's traipse through Indonesia? Well, they're back with an extended edit.
Coming at you out of Lyon, France is Josimixtape, a fun little video featuring Flo Mirtain, JB Gillet, and plent of HDV footage. Side note: between this intro and the intro to Mike Arnold's recent Lloyds part, are Playstation references trending now?
It's been a slow week. Hopefully that encourages you all to get one or two last sessions in before the time changes tomorrow night.
-Andrew Murrell