Slight Return

At long last, the Chrystie video is finally on Youtube. Now you can watch Shane Farber's part on an actual TV, in its full glory.
The third installation in Brad Cromer's iPhone footage compilation is called StorNYtime3, despite the fact that the first clip was obviously filmed in Mexico.
Skate Jawn's aptly-titled video, Fiddy, is a cross-examination of several skate scenes up, down, across, and throughout the United States. Congrats and good work to everyone involved.
Dragging a few ramps out of storage is a surefire way to spice up your Saturday session and make sure everyone makes it out for the nice weather. To celebrate their respective recent successes, Skate Jawn and Village Psychic made a hip at Borough Hall, and PASS~PORT set up a few quarterpipes at Fitzy Plaza.
Mackenzie Eisenhour spoke to Jenkem and passed on some insights and advice he picked up in the sixteen years he's worked in skateboarding.
Static alum Yaje Popson chats with Lee Smith on the latest Mission Statement.
Johnny Wilson posted a few Alex Olson oldies to his Instagram to sate your appetite for the 917 video.
Jake Kuzyk's latest offering might just be Courtesy offshoots, but we're still going to use this space to laud him as one of the most underrated filmers and editors of his generation.
R.I.P. Ben Raemers. Hold your friends close, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.