Mark Wetzel Live Media Interview

It's awesome when somebody else has an appreciation for something that you love. But when you both identify with the same subtle elements of something that most people overlook, it is a rare moment indeed. Like discussing the minute details of Tom Penny's frontside flips, or the way Mike Daher places his back toe right before a nollie. When you find another person who knows exactly what you're talking about, it's a moment worth appreciating. The boys over at Live Media are some of these kinds of common fans I'm talking about. Like-minded skaters who find beauty in the subtleties that a lot of skaters don't notice, and it's awesome when we're able to have a discussion about these kinds of things and especially rad when we're able to work together.
So we were stoked when they reached out to us about working together on getting an interview put together with one of the most "east coast" east coast skaters still doing it. The very underground and one of the original riders on the Traffic team since day one, Mark (the shark) Wetzel.
Click the image below to read the interview and watch Mark's "Look Left" part......