First and foremost, major congratulations to newest Polar pro, Oscar Rozenberg! "ProskI" is an odd tagline (sounds a little close to "prostate"), but it's miles ahead of "pro as fuck." New Polar decks should be hitting shops sooner rather than later.

The perpetually underrated Leo Gutman has a new part up on the Free Skate Mag website. Hey, Mandible Claw, if you're still uploading Spirit Quest parts, maybe post his next?
Shameless self-promotion: I interviewed Ted Barrow for Jenkem regarding his delightful Instagram endeavors.
Flo Mirtain's new iPhone part, filmed primarily at Lyon's HDV Plaza, is reminiscent of a young Lucas Puig, circa 2003.
Frozen in Carbonite and Quartersnacks teamed up to bring you a recap of the summer of angst.
It's finally fall here in New York City, but I'm willing to bet it's still 80+ degrees and humid as hell down South. Watch Ty Beall sweat it out in the raw footage and b-sides from his Gospel part.

If we were to do a poll at the end of the year to judge who's been featured in the roundups most, I'd put my money on WKND. The brand's commercial for the fall line is a little heavy on product placement (as you'd expect), but there are some gems sprinkled throughout.
David Clark, Dan Plunkett, and company crush around an Oakland DIY before hitting the streets in this Levi's feature. The skating starts around the 3:30 mark.
Video premieres this weekend include, but aren't limited to, the Sabotage 5 premiere tonight in Philadelphia, and the Isla Voyeur premiere Saturday night in Atlanta. Not like you're doing anything better, right?
Hopefully everyone out there is enjoying this weather while they can. See you soon.
-Andrew Murrell