Pat Stiener Interview on The Green Zine
Pat Stiener has been ripping under the radar for a long long time. Although it seems like just yesterday, the 'Static III' video part that introduced him to the world of skateboarding came out over 8 years ago. But Pat never went anywhere nor did his talents or his voice in skateboarding. You might have missed him amongst the cacophony of deafening egos that make up the modern world of social media...but, because Pat's ego doesn't beg for attention, you might have to look a little deeper below the surface to find him. But Pat's voice can still be found in his work and design with the Theories brand, his team managing and influence over at Traffic Skateboards and also in the thing he never stopped doing since you first saw him back in 2007......his skateboarding.
We were stoked to see this new interview with Pat pop up on the UK website The Green Zine this morning. Check it out and learn a little bit more about Pat and also get a refresher on his Static IV part, which was loaded to Youtube for the first time today just for this interview.