
It’s Completely Fine: The Toynbee Project hit the airwaves this week, and it’s all there: three songs’ worth of Kevin Coakley and New England crust, James Sayres stringing together tech lines, Josh, Teta and Luke muscling through the streets, even a Ricky clip! Grab a hard copy from the webstore while you still can.
Beyond Boards had Colin Read on this week to answer all their burning questions about animals, music videos, and back problems for two straight hours (just a few minutes longer than his magnum opus!).
GX1000 finally came through with that coveted Matt Finley part in Your Favorite Things; also features an insane ollie from Sean Greene, Jeff Carlyle charging unorthodox handrail configurations, two next-level back noseblunts from Rob Bootes, and more.
A handful of great local vids from the past few weeks:
- Nabeel Nelson’s part from PUBLIC SERVICE, a DC-based video that eschews the expected Pulaski clips. That hallway line at 1:30 looked amazing.
- Lots of great surprises in CALMCORP’s “Kismet,” from the first boardslide pop-over off Myrtle to the two sombrero tricks.
- The fourth Halloween Stickers Skateboards video—this time, with sound!