Shaqueefa Mixtape 3 Exclusive: Part 2
Aaaaaand we return for part 2 of the Shaqueefa Mixtape 3 feature, with an exclusive showcase of the two Jimmy's. Or, two James'. Whichever you prefer.
It's difficult to emphasize enough how important it is to have a motivated filmer in a small town like Tampa. Thousands of miles away from the skate industry, it would be virtually impossible for most skaters to get any shine without a videographer hyping them up and getting their footage out there. But to have a combination of a rad filmer as well as a local brand and crew to keep making projects happen and bring some light on the local scene, is truly priceless. And I've found that it's often scenes, like the one in Tampa, that produce the raddest videos because the whole crew is so motivated and so passionate about what they're doing. Stephen Buggica has really showcased the Tampa crew well with the Mixtape series and Vol 3 is no exception. Capturing the vibe and texture of the local scene and skaters is critical to moving the audience and pulling them into your world. And Buggica has done it extremely well, yet again.

For the second and final part of this interview we caught up with Magenta pro Jimmy Lannon and Magenta flow James Coleman. Two very different styles and techniques that both command your attention when they're on the screen. Both of these guys have been shredding the southeast for years and years and never really get the attention they deserve. So, let's get to know them a little better with a few short questions......and then we can enjoy the exclusive peek at Coleman's Mixtape 3 part.
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I remember the first time I saw Jimmy Lannon at the Skatepark of Tampa way back in probably 1998/99. He was a tiny little dude with crazy good style and impeccable trick selection, shredding the park harder than any other kid his size. We could tell right off the bat the he was unique because soon after meeting him he started telling us about his strict diet of raw vegetables and juices. What 13 year old kid is stoked on juicing? And, I shit you not, I once saw his skin was radiating an orange color because he had been eating so many carrots! Fast forward almost 20 years later and Jimmy is still doing things his own way. This is apparent on the board as well as just in regular life. His laid back persona translates well in the calm, zen like way in which he moves on a skateboard. It's awesome to see Jimmy still devoting time to indie, local projects like the Mixtape series in between traveling the world for his commitments with Magenta. He literally JUST got back from a trip to Dubai so we were lucky to catch a few quick words from him.....
It seems like every indie video I see you have a part in it. What is it about underground VX videos that you like so much?
I guess it's the feeling they translate, the sound and the look! It's closer to how our eyes see the world, where the HD looks too detailed and the sound is horrible in most HD footy! All the homies like it too, so that's what we do!
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Considering you're a pro skater for a French brand, you could probably live anywhere...what keeps you coming back to the Tampa Bay area after all of your travels?
Well, Florida will always be home to me! It's where I grew up, all my family is there! Sarasota is my hometown and Tampa is only an hour north so I always go skate up there! It's also where the squad is and it's better for skating than Sarasota!
What was your favorite aspect on working on the Mixtape 3 video?
Favorite aspect of MT3 was track selecting and idea sifting with Buggica! We brainstorm well together and even if we're not skating we're eating some good food! Much love to all the ill hip hop heads around the world!!!
What IS Shaqueefa?
Shaqueefa is Scotty Connelly the God, Body Cronz 's clothing company . My one and only "sponsor" ,and it pays Besides that Shaqueefa is my gang my skate crew. And it's a woman with a nice booty .
Could you tell us what it's like being a skater in Tampa? The bad and the good?
For me it's fun being a skater in Tampa. I always try to skate whatever I want, always had a big group of friends going krazy. Always was interested in the skate history of Tampa. The bad part of skating in Tampa is you need a car to go skate or you stuck at some park all day or your house and that ain't that tight... Plus its hot like hell and if you ain't got A/C in the whip, forget about it .
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How did you guys go into working on this new video, considering this is the 3rd time around, did you guys have a different approach?
Not really, I just knew I wanted to keep skating and filming and I feel like Buggica knew what he wanted the videos to be like right off. He master minded that shit.
What was your favorite aspect on working on the Mixtape 3 video?
It was just being out constantly skating with my friends. Working towards something for all of us... Always hyping each other up. Talking shit to one another trying to get better clips than each other. And just experiencing fun stuff on skate trips.
How did you meet the Shaqueefa guys and become part of the crew?
Truthfully it happened super organically over the course of years. Mutual friends all connected, Shaqueefa was doin the most and is like a family, creating videos and skating, chilling as a squad. Buggica asked me to have a part and I was so down and he was gracious enough to let me live with him for like a year in the filming process thx Buggica!
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Wow! A year with you on the couch?! Haha. That's crazy! Can you tell me what it means to have a filmer like Buggica and a brand/crew like Shaqueefa in the scene?
OMG, are u kidding me? He is the backbone to it all, nothing would have formed if it wasn't for his constant dedication and drive , not to mention his skills and expertise. Tampa is a pretty tough place all around but he kept the flame lit with his vision and perseverance.
It seems like you're constantly working and putting out parts in independent projects. Do you find it more fulfilling being involved in indie videos like this?
Thank you. I love staying productive and working on multiple projects at once, but sumtimes I burn the candle at both ends and actually prefer working on one at a time so I can focus, but duty calls and when an awesome opportunity presents itself I take it and put my all into it even if it's difficult (which it usually always is). I like working on independent projects with friends and people I respect because It's more tight-knit, I can be more hands on and creative. Constantly evolving and expanding is fun to me, and there's no end in sight. I'm not opposed to big budget videos but i'd rather see something more genuine, not some boring team skating the same spot with a huge travel budget and not coming with originality.
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What is it about the Tampa Bay area scene that keeps you sticking around?
I moved here from Atlanta when I was 16 and it felt like a whole new world, there was actually a big skate scene w/ the Skate Park Of Tampa being known worldwide, and a tropical environment. I didn't appreciate the beaches and natural wildlife until later in life and now I love them. It's part of what keeps me here, I have some connection with this place, the summers are harsh but it's like no other place. It's very tropical island-vibe especially here in St. Petersburg, very peaceful when not skating in the heat and humidity.
James has been a member of the TOA family for a long time after Magenta started flowing him boards years back. But we were already fans after seeing James' footage for years in Joe Perrin's old Westside videos. He has one of those rare, unmistakable styles that could be recognized even if you were only shown his silhouette. And he was also one of the few skaters doing gnarly flip tricks down massive gaps and stairs while also delving into the creative side of skating with wild wallie combinations and finding unique street spots that most would never have even thought to skate. So we're stoked to be able to share with you James' newest part here from the Mixtape3 video. Filmed/edited by Stephen Buggica, this part is fire and a reminder of Coleman's amazing diversity and equally amazing personality and style.......enjoy.