Skate Fast, Read Slow
Lots to dig into this week. Let's get started, shall we?
If you didn't catch it last night, Thrasher posted nine minutes of Nick Ferro raw footage and outtakes from his recent Grand Collection part.
It's John Gardner week at Quartersnacks! Watch his self-edited part before reading his (unfortunately, not self-conducted) interview. Can someone get this dude some real sponsors, please?
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Isle's PIeces of Palestine premiered in London this past Wednesday and should be coming down the pipeline any day now.
There's been a strong GX1000 presence on the internet lately, in the form of Manchild's The Flare outtakes and Yonnie Cruz's "Welcome to Chocolate" clip.
Last week it was Lloyds, this week it's Legislative. Here's a spot-centric Ross Norman remix to celebrate his new pro model on The Vacation.

Obligatory Riddles In Mathematics Post: Bobby Dekeyzer.
Really going off on a tangent here, but these three-dimensional maps of New York City's most elaborate subway stations are pretty interesting.
Future generations will regard the moment Brad Cromer discovered shoegaze as a momentous occasion. Krooked just remixed some of his best Instagram clips (that Cocteau Twins song is at risk of becoming the next dangerously overplayed skate video song), so I'll leave you with this one for the weekend.
-Andrew Murrell