Static Raw Tapes Episode 12

It's been a while since a new episode of the Static Raw Tapes series hit your computer screens. So we sent Josh spelunking into the mini-dv tape cave and he came back with a little gem. Our TOA time machine is delivering us this time around to Miami, Florida in January of 2006 and the very first filming trip for the Static III video. Surprisingly pulled from just ONE mini-dv tape, this episode features a gaggle of talent including Bobby Puleo, Pat Stiener, Danny Renaud, Jahmal Williams, Steve Brandi and Joel Meinholz.
It's hard to believe this is all from just one tape, but it offers up a pretty easily-consumed episode that goes down smooth with so many classic east coast styles all in one short 8 minute viewing. This was the first leg of a month long filming excursion to Miami, which got the ball rolling for what became the Static III video.