STATIC VI Live on Youtube!

After nearly 10 months of being exclusively on DVD or in segmented parts strewn across the internet, the Static VI video is finally live now on the Theories of Atlantis Youtube channel.
Since it's kind of a shame for people to consume a full-length video in segmented parts and not in it's entirety or with the transitions, montages and intros that the filmmaker originally intended you to see, we decided to make the whole thing live over the Labor Day weekend while a lot of you are at home relaxing. So take some time to soak in the full project from start to finish and let us know what you think.
Unfortunately, some of the music was not cleared for certain countries or markets. So some of you may not be able to watch it, including the UK and parts of Western Europe. So for the unlucky ones in those forbidden markets, we'll remind you that the video IS available as a digital download or to rent here.
For the rest of you, click the video below and enjoy.