The Steve Brandi Interview

How do you introduce one of the most important moments of someone's life, a moment of such gravity that it's nearly impossible to put it into words? Perhaps the first step would be reminding the reader of the gamble being taken by counting on the open-mindedness and maturity of one's peers to read his story with empathy and respect. It's often mentioned in our culture how ethnically and socio-economically diverse skateboarding is, but rarely considered is the significant percentage of LGBTQ skaters within our scene—a mostly nameless, faceless crowd of pros, ams, artists, filmers and industry workers who contribute significantly to our culture but still feel uncomfortable or even unsafe being open with who they truly are. But some brave skaters have recently chosen to take the risk of stepping up to share the story of their true identity, and we're here today to add one more name to that short list. Please let me proudly introduce you to my friend, the real Steve Brandi. - Josh Stewart Click ahead to read more.