Three to Five
If you missed out on last week's Evisen Video premiere, you blew it. Don't fret, Jenkem's got a recap to make you feel like you were there for every beer, shot, and mind-blowing clip.
If you haven't seen Jeremy Elkin's first installation of Raw Tapes, watch it. If you have, watch it again.
Few brands have been as prolific as WKND in 2017, dropping full parts on seemingly a monthly basis. Amazingly, they still have steam this late in the year, as evidenced by Salomon Cardenas' welcome part and subsequent follow-up interview.
Every now and than, a video drops that reminds me, yeah, Dennis Busenitz is still one of the best. This time, it was RŌZU, documenting the Adidas team in Japan.

With the amount of stripes we see, the new Wayward Wheels edit pretty much doubles as a second Adidas commercial. Eyes out for Mike Carroll and Casper Brooker.
Florida OG and Static alumn Jeff Lenoce has a new part out, courtesy of Shake Junt (ugh).
Catch up with Marisa Dal Santo over at Jenkem. It's always refreshing to hear about someone who willingly stepped away from the industry and is better off for it.
Vancouver's own Jake Kuzyk is back at it with 'Big Country', featuring Dylan Fulford and crew.
-Andrew Murrell