TOA's Top 10 of 2024

This was a crazy year over here at TOA and I'm sure it was for you as well. The world moves so fast these days it's easy to miss or forget half of what flashes by your eyes. So we wanted to circle back up and celebrate our top 10 favorite releases from TOA brands and their team riders this year. It's hard to contain everything to just 10 items but after some debates in the office, I think we've got a pretty sold list here. Capturing a little something from all TOA brands and showcasing the different things happening with our team, here's a list of our favorite TOA releases from 2024 and if you missed ANY of them you DEFINITELY need to click the embedded links and check them out. Let us know what you think in the comments and if we missed anything.......
10. "STATIC VI": The full Static VI video finally released online this fall after only being available on VHS or DVD since late 2023. This was a heavy project for the full TOA camp, taking nearly 7 years to complete. But it was worth the wait and features a ton of team riders across many TOA brands. Overall, it's just insane that the series is STILL cookin 25 years after it first began. Click below to soak yourself back into the Static vibe...
9. Connor Noll's "Stumped" part for Free Mag: The Theories brand Boston shredder has become a favorite in any Theories project, carrying the torch of other Northeastern spot seekers like Kevin Coakley and Shawn Macmillan with some amazing spot ideas and unique execution. We love anything Connor puts out so we were hyped to see Ted Purtell and Free Mag team up to showcase this new project
8. Josh Fiest's "Pieces": This isn't a video part but it was a big hit on the TOA Youtube Channel and for good reason. Jake Todd went behind the scenes (and fences) with Traffic team rider Josh Feist and discussed a bunch of the Philly skatespots that Josh freed with his DIY work and set things off for skaters around the area. If you missed this one, definitely check it out. A short but rad watch.
7. Studio Skateboards out of Montreal, Canada dropped a new banger in October that was short but sweet and showcased the talent w/in their team quite well. Specifically, the manny prowess of their newest team rider Jordan Queijo
6. Nyle Lovett's Part in "County Line": We love a great local video but Aaron Christopher has elevated his talents and skill far beyond "homie video" level and his new "County Line" video from early 2024 demonstrated that he has the chops to make compelling videos with a strong style of their own. And we were hyped that Theories front man Nyle Lovett had a bangin part that we were able to host on TOA. Check it out if you missed it and enjoy a dose of the smooth skill that Nyle brings to any project.
5. Evisen Skateboards "Overland": It's nearly impossible to stick out as unique in skateboarding these days, but Evisen Skateboards is truly an outlier. Their design, filming, editing and skateboarding are all uniquely their own and extremely creative. Every video project they put out is top notch quality with filming that is almost unparalleled . "Overland" was a short project released this Spring that's just enough to get you hyped and leave you wanting more.
4. Hopps Skateboards "Auto": Hopps only puts out solid projects and their Spring 2024 piece, simply titled "Auto", was no exception. Filmed and edited by Tristan Mershon, this edit was a little check-in with the team shredding NYC and Brooklyn with the style and finesse we've come to expect from the Hopps crew
3. "SF Hill St Blues 3" by Magenta Skateboards: Magenta has been really on top of their output, releasing multiple projects per year for over 10 years straight. But their newest addition to the "SF Hill St Blues" series really brought back that old Magenta feel with incredible filming, well-chosen music and just great skateboarding in one of the best looking cities to showcase the freedom of being on a skateboard. This project left me wanting more but it still really scratched that itch of style, flow and soul that Magenta has been great about tapping into over their long tenure. Make sure to watch this one if you missed it!
2. Zander Mitchell's USA smackdown for Dial Tone...we've all known that Montreal's Zander Mitchell is unbelievably skilled by his insane Instagram posts on a nearly daily basis. But we haven't been treated to a full part of his talents in a long time, so Dial Tone made it happen and through the work of Jake Todd we were treated to 4.5 minutes of tech wizardy and smooth lines in this Fall video release on Free Mag.
1. Traffic Skateboards "It's Completely Fine: The Toynbee Project": This video was originally going to be a short project with just 2 full parts but once the ball was rolling the team decided they ALL wanted in and decided to make it into a full length. We're obviously a little biased, but this was our favorite video of the year. It had all the elements you want in a bangin' full length; a legend coming back with a shockingly powerful new full part (Kevin Coakley), a break-out part by one of the teams newest riders that nearly steals the show (Josh Feist) and after you think the video is coming to an end, the rider with unfuckwithable skill comes through to close it all out (James Sayres). Add in some incredible music curation, great filming and a truly underground brand that's been doing powerful and influential full lengths for 20 years, and you've got the recipe for one hell of a skate video. AND it came out in hard copy form first! "It's Completely Fine" was the feel good video of the year and our pick as the best of 2024.
Make sure to give all of these projects a gander and pick up a hard copy of Static VI while it's still available or own a digital copy of "It's Completely Fine" by Traffic Skateboards. We have a LOT in store for 2025 so keep your eyes peeled and look forward to some rad new projects from some of your favorite TOA brands and team riders coming soon. Thanks SO much for your support this year and happy new year from all of us at TOA.