Vincent & Yonnie Static IV Re-Edit Contest Finalists!

For those of you who have been paying attention you can probably sympathize that watching over 60 edits is quite a task. But we did just that and although it could've been a nightmare we actually rather enjoyed it because the vast majority of the edits were really good. But to narrow those down to only 5 is clearly impossible. Between all of our different opinions we couldn't all agree on 5 so we decided to allow in a few runner's up and expand our top choices to 8 edits. And then we will let you guys vote for your favorites in the comments section below and we will take your votes along with the TOA and Lakai crews edits and determine an ultimate number 1 winner. Now scroll down to see who made it in and then cast your vote ASAP! The winner will be announced on Monday next week!
This smooth edit by Daniel Policelli included really fitting music to help capture the vibe of the 16mm and of NYC. And he also cleverly chose an amazing Tribe Called Quest song accompanied by the original song that Tribe sampled to make the beat for their track. Very nice!
This editor has a very familiar name in the re-edit world,. Mike Whitcombe, out of the UK, ended up smashing it with a win during the Kevin Coakley "Look Left‚" re-edit contest last year. But he's back again with yet another bang-up edit and his motion graphics and music choices are killing it once again.
A man known only as "Pete‚" came through with a banger in his re-edit which incorporated one of our favorite underground bands "Solid State‚" into his edit which perfectly fit the zoomed in LED sign 16mm shots. This edit has a very different feel/vibe than any of the others and we thought it deserved to be in the running for sure.
Zach Jumper got his edit in right in the last minute and he's lucky he did. Zach's has really solid and the song starts with a rad vibe and builds into some rather dramatic crash and falls. We liked that it was very different from the other edits and the overall package was pretty strong.
This edit, by a man only known as "Xing‚" was an all around solid piece of work that got all of us hyped in the TOA office. Check it out and we think you'll feel the same way.
This edit by Parker Boys surprised us. Usually an edit over 5 minutes that only uses one song is pretty hard to sit through. But somehow he pulled it off and this song carries you through all 6 minutes enjoying it the whole the way through. And the editing is pretty solid as well.
Since we watched Anthony Capostagno's edit later in the contest, we initially gave it one strike against it because several other entries had used A Tribe Called Quest up to that point. But when we saw his unique idea of splicing in some acapella quotes from the same song it really helped nail this one into the top choices.
Finally, Remi Luciani, out of France, produced a pretty strong edit that was too hard to resist. Although it came in a bit long, over 9 minutes, the variety of feelings his edit gave us with all of the different songs he picked ended up winning us over. So enjoy….
So, that's it. The top 8 finalists out of over 60 entries from all over the world. Now tell us who should win in the comments below and don't forget that we can see your IP address so if you vote more than once for yourself we will know! But you can get your friends and family to vote so let it known that you're in the running and best of luck to those of you who made it in!
-TOA Team