Three Line Poem

So many great full lengths dropped in 2018, it's only natural to overlook one or two. The Blue Tile Lounge video, Baby Blue, was one of my favorite videos to come out last year, in part because it's a great shop video that came out with little fanfare. If you haven't had a chance to watch it in full yet, BTL uploaded it to their YouTube channel this week. Don't sleep.
The dudes at WKND stayed busy the past few days, first by turning Sir Palmer star Alex Schmidt pro, then by dropping a Johan Stuckey rough cut, and finally, celebrating the latter's birthday with a heartwarming retrospective.
Kevin Coakley and the rest of the dudes at Orchard Skateshop blew the coop and headed to Barcelona for a midwinter's getaway.
Vanish is a new video out of Philadelphia by Zach Sayles. We hosted Josh Feist's part already, but Ricky Geiger's part isn't to be missed, either.
Dickies threw up a VX montage, featuring a few of our favorite skaters. We'll let you figure out who we're referring to.
Yeah, the latest Atlantic Drift came out a week ago and you've surely seen it by now, but that doesn't mean it's not worth revisiting.
New York legend Keith Hufnagel is the latest guest on the Nine Club.
New Balance filmed a montage exclusively skating spots along the London Marathon route.