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To document a trick is to present a new thing into a broader context. Every new ad or clip somehow acknowledges what has taken place before it, while having the potential to influence what will come after it. The context of an iconic trick, clip, photo, or skater for that matter, evolves with the passing of time. Whether it be that someone comes and tries a harder trick on the same thing, or that it merely affects the way that later generations will come to approach skating in general—to publish a document of skateboarding is to engage in a conversation with skateboarding’s past and future.

Photo: Jonathan Mehring

Photo: Andrew Peters
Anthony Pappalardo is one of the forefathers of modern day street skating; his knack for combining technical innovation with an ability to reimagine the ways in which familiar spots can be seen in countless present-day examples. Aaron Herrington is one of the heaviest dudes active today, and is in many ways a descendant of Anthony Pappalardo. The two share an unconventional approach to spots, and are neither deterred by skinny run-ups nor landings... Continue Reading at Monster Children