Biscuits by Serious Adult

Serious Adult Publishing Co out of the UK just launched a nearly 10 minute edit on the Vague Mag Youtube channel. Choc-full of an insane amount of amazing spots from around the world, here's a quick summary of what the edit entails:
Biscuits' features the highlights of the first 6 years of Serious Adult, comprising of footage from our 14 video projects. Filmed on location in London, Bristol, Peterborough, Rotherham, Barnsley, Bordeaux, Marseille, Paris, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Rotterdam, Den Haag, Pula, Fazana, Osaka, Tokyo, Mexico City, Heredia, Jersey and Porto. Starring Tom Delion, Sam Earl, Jasper Woolf, George Booth Cole, Greg Conroy, Luka Pinto, Jack Soden, Jeremy Jones, Lukas Kacevicius and Sebastian Lemus, with appearances from Dan Tomlinson, Conor Charleson, Angel Esquivel, Glen Fox, Cam Barr, Chris Garcia, Joe Coward, Louis Woodhead, Max Critchlow, Leo Briggs, Marco Cordero, Dillon Catney, Valentine Katz, Daisuke Kagoshima, Cam Allen Snow, Darwin, Miguel Castro, Rich De Courcy, Lewis Bell, Harry Turner and Elliot Wright.