"ULICZNE ŚWIRUSY 2" Video from Warsaw

So rad to see yet another awesome independent video coming out of the Warsaw, Poland skate scene. Przemek Rzewnicki sent us a link to his new full length video "ULICZBE SWIRUSY 2" which means "Street Freaks" in English.
Filmed primarily in Warsaw on a VX-1000 and super 8, the guys also made it out to Lyon and Cyprus. It's rad to see these small scenes of skaters in regions of the world that don't nearly enough attention, ripping just as hard as the most celebrated scenes in well known cities. This video features an impressive list of talented skaters including:
Andrzej Pełczyński (@homikandrzej) Wojtek Sobecki (@wojteksobecki) Łukasz Skrzeczyński (@skrzeczyna) Piotr Szypuła (@szypersb) Wojtek Orzoł (@kierrington) Kuba Koszel (@cushmoneyvagrant) Michał Abramczuk (@koalapunk) Bartek Kmieciak (@bartekkmieciak) and many others!
Check it out below