Kevin Coakley has a brand new interview over on Jenkem. If you ever wondered about yoga, back tails or the smell of a McDonald's cheeseburger you should check it out now.
It's the last roundup of the summer! Stop by for Static alums, skatepark footage, Coney Island prizes, and montages dedicated to footwear, as well as updates on one of New York City's favorite ledge spots.
After we noticed Mark Humienek posted Mark Wetzel's Static IV part on Youtube the other day, we decided not to let him snatch up all the views. So we just posted Mark's part up in mega, super, mind-numbing high quality. Check it out and get inspired by one of the east coast's most creative shredders.
With temperatures cooling to the mid-seventies, you shouldn't need any extra motivation to get out and go skate. Nevertheless, we've got eighties legends, nineties legends, underground legends, and a grainy classic to get you hyped this Friday.
Summer's drawing to a close, but the floodgates are starting to open. On top of a new PJ Ladd part, we've got VX1000 mutilation, camouflaged Copenhagen footage, and the last Love Park video.
We're blazing through August with more plaza-centric parts, more Bronze affiliates, more Transworld parts, and more GX1000!
With how quickly everything comes and goes these days it's difficult to keep a new project in everyone's mind for more than about 15 minutes before they're distracted by a new Instagram post or a new Trump tweet. So in an effort to remind you about the awesome new dvd from the Shaqueefa boys we bring you Piro Sierra's full part.
For a slow summer week, we stayed pretty busy. Check out the latest from Bronze, Jordan Sanchez, and Sean Green, as well as some throwbacks courtesy of the Chrome Ball Incident, the Tennyson Corporation, and Nike.
When MIA Skate Shop closed their doors earlier this year, some may have feared that the local skate scene might slow down. But local filmer Mikey Bueso has stepped up with a new video piece to show that the Miami scene is still thriving. We're stoked to host this exclusive edit on TOA, showcasing Bueso's crew still putting the streets to good use and keeping the spirit of MIA and Miami skateboarding alive.
This week, we have Brooklyn Banks updates, TF footage from around the world, Adidas in Los Angeles, and lots of podcasts!
Though it seems like North America is losing plazas left and right, there are still a few great spots tucked away where you'd least expect them.
The Raw Tapes series is back with a new episode raiding Josh Stewart's archive of DV tapes from the Static series. Episode 11 follows the Static II crew to Barcelona for a blistering hot, sweaty few days with Paul Shier, Nick Jensen, Toby Shaul, Kenny Reed, Justin Strubing, Satva Leung and Tony Cox.
This week, we have lots of Canadians, a synagogue fire, and a long awaited pro debut.
This week, we have new parts from Nick Ferro, Jordan Taylor, Michael Mackrodt, Cons bros in Manhattan, rad interviews from Jenkem and Quartersnacks, and some classic Alien Workshop to get your weekend going.
Meet the man responsible for several of your favorite New York City skate spots.
We're starting summer off with a bang. This week, we have updates on the Bed-Stuy DIY, a few words on Prodigy's passing, plenty of Colin Read, A Soy Panday podcast, some great interviews, and more.
We return with the second part of the Mixtape 3 Interviews. This time we're catching up with 2 Florida classics...Jimmy Lannon and James Coleman. And we've been given the privilege of hosting an exclusive sneak peek at Coleman's full part from the video. So click ahead for the full story
The Shaqueefa boys are back with the final edition of the awesome Mixtape series and we are excited to bring you an exclusive interview with the whole crew. If you've never seen a Shaqueefa Mixtape video you are definitely missing out. But don't fret, we're here to help. TOA has been graced with an exclusive sneak peek at Jimmy Mastrocolo's full part from the new video and we're sharing it with you!
Raw Tapes is back.....believe it or not we're at episode 10 and this new one is choc full of nuts. That's right, a bunch of maniacs including several all time favorites Ricky Oyola, Paul Shier, Bobby Puleo and Kenny Reed. Featuring footage from the first week of tapes filmed in Barcelona while filming for the Static II video back in 2004. Click ahead and enjoy.
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